回應實習生計劃 Response to the Internship Program

    我願意參與這實習生計劃 I agree to join this Internship Program:

    We would like to invite to join us in Creating Alternative Paths for Divergent Youth, equip them with professional skills and develop fully in a loving environment.

    成為生命導師 Be a Mentor介紹與推薦年輕人參加 To introduce youth people to join禱告支持 Prayer support

    * 必須填寫


    參與者姓名/公司名稱 Participant Name/Company Name *

    聯絡電話 Contact number*

    電郵地址 email address*

    我推薦以下年輕人 I recommend the following young people

    姓名 Name

    聯絡電話 Contact number

    電郵地址 email address

    參與項目 Program

    姓名 Name

    聯絡電話 Contact number

    電郵地址 email address

    參與項目 Program

    姓名 Name

    聯絡電話 Contact number

    電郵地址 email address

    參與項目 Program

    請寫下你的禱文 Please share your prayer

    我的禱文 My Prayer

    請寫下你的代禱事項, 讓我們彼此記念 Please write down your prayer requests and let us support each other in prayers

    我的代禱事項 My Prayer Requests